Facebook #angryface #houstondoula #laborenabler #rebelbirth #youdontwanttoseemethisa…[ad_1] #angryface #houstondoula #laborenabler #rebelbirth #youdontwanttoseemethisangry #smashthepatriarchy #messwithheryoumesswithme #joliismygirl #ourvoiceisourpower Joli Ammons [ad_2] Source May 6, 2018/2 Comments/by Dream Birth Team https://laborenabler.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/31964081_1654829317887857_1454564844580634624_o.jpg 720 576 Dream Birth Team https://laborenabler.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/new-logo-blue-background.png Dream Birth Team2018-05-06 12:58:092018-05-06 12:58:09#angryface #houstondoula #laborenabler #rebelbirth #youdontwanttoseemethisa…
Anonymous says: May 6, 2018 at 11:56 pm This was so your face when everyone tried taking my elevator and I was in labor just trying to get to L&D. Log in to Reply
I freaking love you.
This was so your face when everyone tried taking my elevator and I was in labor just trying to get to L&D.